How to say “Goodbye” in Japanese

we have greetings of “Goodbye” in Japanese.

Who do you talk with?

Where do you talk?

When do you talk?

It depends on each situation. so please learn method to say ” Goodbye” If you say ” Goodbye” in wrong situation, it might be impolite for people. You had better learn to say “Goodbye” in polite way.

Sayounara : さようなら

this is the most popular word. you can use this “Sayounara” in polite to all people. At first you should learn this “Sayounara”

to your friends to your teachers)to people in your company
to your parents)

Mata Ashita : また明日

“Mata Ashita ” is slightly light, so you cannot use this greeting to your teachers or your company people. and it is one of promise to meet tomorrow, so you cannot use every Friday in case of weekday worker.

to your friendsto your teachers)to people in your company)to your parents)

Osakini shitsureishimasu : お先に失礼します。

This is very polite and formal method, so you can use this “Osakini shitsureishimasu” to your teacher or your company people. If you can use this “Osakini Shitsureishimasu” , your Japanese skip can go up dramatically.

If you say this ” Osakinishitsureishimasu” to your teacher or your company people,

「Otsukaresamadeshita! お疲れさまでした」

you could receive this greeting. Let’s learn this greeting catch ball method soon.

to your friendsto your teachers)to people in your company)to your parents)

Bye Bye : バイバイ

“Bye Bye” comes from English “Goodbye” you can use this greeting with good friend of yours.

to your friends)to your teachers)to people in your company)to your parents)

Jaa Matane : じゃあまたね

” jaa Matane” is almost same meaning and situation with “Mata Ashita” or ” Bye Bye” In case of your see this people at the same day, you can use it.

to your friendsto your teachers)to people in your company)to your parents)

Mata Atode : またあとで

you can use this “Mata Atode” in case you meet the people within 2-3 hours.

to your friendsto your teachers)to people in your company)to your parents)

Dewa Nochihodo : ではのちほど

you can use “Dewa Nochihodo” when you say to your teachers or company people more polite in stead of “Mata Atode”

to your friends()to your teachers)to people in your company)to your parents)

Let’s practice

1)in your office, to your boss 

2)in your school , to your teacher

3)on Thursday, to your friend

4)to your friend who you will meet within 2 hours  

5)to your teacher who you will meet within 2 hours  

Answer 1)Osakini shitsureisimasu  2)Osakini shitsureishimasu or Sayounara   3)Mata Ashita   

4)Jaa Matane or Mata Atode   5)Dewa nochihodo  

How is your result? Please do not say “Jaane” to your teacher in your school.

You can find a good teacher from こちら


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I have worked as an employee for over 30 years. I lived in Spain 2021. My life around near 20 years is to work in Japan and in Europe. I have been considering for what I want and I should do in near future. I have taught Japanese language to Russian people at the weekend.