5 Ways to Say You Like Something in Japanese


Would you like to say you like something in Japanese?

These are five ways to talk about your likes.

好きです suki desu

nekoga sukidesu

好きです “suki desu” is the most standard way of saying you like something.
You can express how much you like something by adding adverbs.

だいすきです I like it a lot. >すきです I like it. >ちょっと好きです I like it a little. >あまりすきじゃないです I don’t like it much. >きらいです I hate it.

Remember that you need to say が “ga” before something you like.

Neko ga daisuki desu / I like cats a lot. 
Neko ga suki desu / I like cats.
Neko ga chotto suki desu / I like cats a little.
Neko ga amari suki ja arimasen / I like cats a little.
Neko ga kirai desu / I like cats.
suki desu

気に入っています kiniitte imasu


If you’d like to say you like your school, job, house, new hair, new shoes and so on, you can say 気に入っています “kiniiitte imasu”.
お気に入り(=favorite) is a noun for 気に入っています.

Atarashii sumaho ga kiniitte imasu / I like my new phone.
Kono buutsu wa watashino okiniiridesu / These boots are my favorites.
kiniitte imasu

はまっています hamatte imasu

If you want to say you’re into something, you can say はまっています “hamatteimasu”.

Takkyuu ni hamatte imasu / I’m into ping-pong.

いいですね / にあっていますね iidesune / niatte imasune


If you want to compliment others by saying like “I like your hair” or “You look nice in that dress”, you can say いいですね “iidesune” or 似合っていますね “niatte imasune”.

hea stairu iidesune / I like your hair style.
Sono doresu niatte imasune / You look nice in that dress
iidesune niatteimasune

嫌いじゃないです kirai janaidesu

When you are asked whether you like something or not, you can answer by saying 嫌いじゃないです “kirai janaidesu.” 嫌い means don’t like, therefore, kirai janai desu is a double negative, which means you like the thing.

Wain wa kirajanaidesu / I like wine.

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